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Every step of the way, I was exactly where I was supposed to be.  It has taken many years to truly understand this statement with humility and wonder.  

Accepting, understanding and serving are the thoughts that start my day.  

Since I was very young, my travels have brought me to 48 of the 50 US states, backpacking Europe from London to Athens, returning many times, to five continents and still counting.  But, life wasn't always easy.  Some decisions and events had challenged my journey, or as I reflect back on, humbled my heart and pushed me to work harder.  I was a single mother living check to check, day by day, on a minimal salary - just surviving.  And, there was an unsettled feeling within my soul for many years... I like to believe it was the seed of compassion growing.     

My first trip to Africa was in 2013, and since, is my home away from home.  Travel has transitioned to a serving and giving experience. My eyes and heart were opened greater than I knew possible from the meeting of African villagers, to the dedicated individuals in the field protecting wildlife, and of course, seeing the beauty of this raw, wild environment first hand was extraordinary and exactly was where I was supposed to be.

In 2016, I founded Sewpportive Friends and work to continue supporting many African conservation organizations through financial contributions and bringing them needed supplies.  Through the charity  connections made in rural regions of Zimbabwe, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia and Kenya, our African friend's have told their life stories, welcomed me to their homesteads, and shared their sincere gratitude for helping their communities and families.

Everyday is a blessing and I am sincerely grateful for my family, and all the wonderful friends who are part of this journey.

With love and gratitude,


Julie Zambezi.jpg

"The meaning of life is to find your gift.  The purpose in life is to give it away." ~Pablo Picasso. 


Explorer | Photography Storyteller | Philanthropist

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2025 by J. Phippen

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